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Nabiha Farasat Khan
Muhammad Saeed
Rukshana Majid
Arshad Kamal Butt


OBJECTIVE: To explore various factors affecting academic success & failure among public sector dental students.

METHODS: This mixed-methods study with explanatory sequential study approach was completed in May 2021 at Bolan Medical College, Quetta, Pakistan. After taking informed written consent, qualitative & quantitative questionnaires were distributed among 3rd year dental students. Quantitive data was analyzed through SPSS version-20. Qualitaive data was analysed through thematic analysis to identify themes and subthemes.

RESULTS: Out of 28 dental students, majority (n=15; 53.6%) were females. Passing percentage of female students was high (n=14/15; 93.33%) as compared to males (n=7/13; 53.85%). Failure was 6.6% (n=1/15) in girls and 46.15% (n=6/13) in boys. In annual exams, 75% (n=21/28) students passed in all subjects. About 89.3% (n=25/28) of successful students were satisfied with teaching strategies, 85.7% (n=24/28) reflected on their learned material, 75% (n=21/28) recalled prior knowledge, 67.9% (n=19/28) were hard-working, 71.4% (n=20/28) were internaly motivated whereas 67.9% (n=19/28) were confident about their abilities. Instrumental design, personal issues and learning environment were the main themes identified. Sub-themes for instrumental design were teaching strategies, overload curriculum & exam strategies; for personal issues were learning style, lack of sleep, coping strategies, class attendance, stress & motivation/interest and for learning environment were students’ centered, assessment-centered and teachers’ centered.

CONCLUSION: Successful students acknowledged the motivation, educational environment and innovative teaching strategies as contributing factors to their success. Hostel issues, lack of sleep, learning strategies, lack of interest in dentistry, anxiety, and parental education were the main elements among the academic failures.

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How to Cite
Khan, Nabiha Farasat, et al. “ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND FAILURE AMONGST DENTAL STUDENTS: A MIXED METHODS STUDY OF WHAT MATTERS”. KHYBER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec. 2022, pp. 256-62, doi:10.35845/kmuj.2022.22744.
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