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Muhammad Noor Faraz
Sayed Mohammad Sultan
Shajaat Ali Khan
, Shakirullah
Wajeeha Hameed


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the frequency of depression among individuals presenting with lower limbs physical disability (LLPD).
METHODS: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from July 2016 to January 2017 at Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan. A sample of 217 patients was enrolled through non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Participants of any age, both genders and having LLPD were included, while already diagnosed patients of depressive illness and/or patients using anti-depressant medications were excluded. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scale was used in patients with LLPD. Statistical Analysis was done through SPSS-16.0.
RESULTS: Out of 217 participants, 156 (71.88%) were males. Mean age was 41±12.368 years. Mean period of physical disability was 12±4.649 years. Mean PHQ-9 scores was 12±3.313. PHQ-9 score of <4 was observed in 128 (58.99%) patients while PHQ-9 score of >4 was present in 89 (41.01%) patients. Hence, frequency of depression among patients with LLPD was 41.01%. Male gender was predominant in both depressed (n=64/89; 71.9%) and non-depressed (92/128; 71.9%) patients. About 45% of both depressed (n=40/89) and non-depressed (n=58/128) patients were aging ≤ 40 years. About 61.8% (n=55/89) of depressed and 62.5% (n=80/128) of non-depressed patients were married. Majority of depressed patients (n=44/89; 49.44%) and non-depressed patients (n=62/128; 48.44%) were from lower socioeconomic status (SES). Extent of physical disability of >10 years was present in 59.55% (n=53/89) and 60.16% (n=77/128) depressed and non-depressed patients respectively.
CONCLUSION: In our study, about 41% of patients with LLPD were depressed and majority were male, married and belonging to lower SES.

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How to Cite
Faraz, M. N., S. M. Sultan, S. A. Khan, , Shakirullah, and W. Hameed. “DEPRESSION AMONG INDIVIDUALS HAVING LOWER LIMB PHYSICAL DISABILITY”. KHYBER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, vol. 12, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 53-7, doi:10.35845/kmuj.2020.19735.
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