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Aisha Sadaf
Zilli Huma
Sumaira Javed
Asim Masood


OBJECTIVE: to identify and compare the variations in the root and canal morphology of maxillary first and second premolars in the local population.
METHODS: Maxillary premolars (n=210) were collected from local population from six hospitals and clinics of two cities i.e. Peshawar and Kohat, Pakistan. The demographics collected from the patients included linguistic ethnicity and gender. External morphological parameters; length, root form, mesial surface depression, were observed by the naked eye. These were then observed under stereomicroscope to identify the internal root morphology including canal form, lateral canals, and canal isthmi.
RESULTS: Common root form of first premolars was two rooted (70 %) while second premolars were single rooted (81%). Mesial surface depression was more common in first premolars (76%) than second premolars (36%) p<0.001. In first premolars common canal configuration was Type IV (62%) and type II (9.5%) while in second premolars type I (20%), II (35%), IV (11.4%) and type VI (24.8%) configuration were commonly found. Lateral canals and canal isthmi were a lesser common finding in both types of teeth.
CONCLUSION: Canal configuration of first premolars was most commonly type IV while that of second premolar was type I, II, VI and IV in our population. This indicates that second premolar has more diversity in canal configuration.

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How to Cite
Sadaf, Aisha, et al. “MAXILLARY PREMOLAR TEETH: ROOT AND CANAL STEREOSCOPY”. KHYBER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, vol. 11, no. 4, Dec. 2019, pp. 240-7, doi:10.35845/kmuj.2019.19337.
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Aisha Sadaf, Khyber Medical University Institute of Dental Sciences (KMU-IDS), Kohat, Pakistan and M. Phil Scholar, Khyber Medical University Institute of Basic Medical Sciences KMU-IBMS, Peshawar, Pakistan

Demonstrator, Anatomy, KMU-IDS, Kohat

Zilli Huma, Khyber Medical University Institute of Basic Medical Sciences KMU-IBMS, Peshawar, Pakistan

Anatomy, Surgery, Professor

Sumaira Javed, Khyber Medical University Institute of Basic Medical Sciences KMU-IBMS, Peshawar, Pakistan and Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan

MPhil Anatomy, Assistant Prof Anatomy, AMC, Abbottabad, Pakistan

Asim Masood, Khyber Medical University Institute of Dental Sciences (KMU-IDS), Kohat, Pakistan

MPH, Lecturer Community dentistry, KMU-IDS, Kohat, Pakistan


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