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OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of socioeconomic factors
with cigarette smoking and their relative impact on it in male gender
of Pakistan.
METHODS: This study was based on Pakistan demographic and health
survey data set 2012-13. Bivariate and binary logistic regression analysis
has been carried out to evaluate the impact of cigarette smoking in
male population of Pakistan.
RESULTS: More than two third (71.68%) respondents never smoked
cigarette. Chewing tobacco was commonly (18.6%) used by the respondents.High proportion (34.1%) of respondents consumed eighteen and over cigarettes in 24 hours, whereas the 18% of the respondents consumed twelve to seventeen cigarettes. Age, education, place of residence by province, media access and wealth index were found to be significant with respect to cigarette smoking. Inverse association existed between education and smoking .i.e. respondents with no education had smoked 1.604 times more cigarettes as compared to respondents with higher level of education. The respondents reading newspaper and access to radio had less likely to smoke cigarettes [OR=0.931 and OR=0.80] respectively compared to their counterpart having no access to media. Ever married men belonged to Baluchistan province smoked cigarettes 1.576 times more than their counterparts that lived in GB.
CONCLUSION: Age, education, place of residence by province, media
access particularly newspaper and radio and wealth index were found
having statistically significant impact on cigarette smoking in Pakistani
male gender. These statistical outcomes will serve as guide in smoking
control and management of cigarette smoking.
KEY WORDS: Cigarette Smoking (MeSH); Tobacco Smoking (MeSH);
Male (MeSH); Pakistan (MeSH); Age Groups (MeSH); Education (MeSH).

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Author Biography

MUHAMMAD IMRAN, MS, Department of Statistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan



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