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Faris Mohammed Nour Altaf
Muhammad Mazhar Hijazi


We are reporting here a unique cascade-like arrangement of single cusps in the right internal jugular vein observed ina formalin-fixed embalmed cadaver of a 65 year old male which has not been observed and described in the literature. The anomaly may be of interest not only to the morphologist but also to the clinical practitioner working on the internal jugular veins.

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How to Cite
KHAN, MOHAMMAD AFZAL, et al. “A CASCADE OF UNICUSPID VALVES IN THE INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN”. KHYBER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, vol. 8, no. 3, Jan. 2017, p. 147, https://www.kmuj.kmu.edu.pk/article/view/15461.
Case Report
Author Biography

MOHAMMAD AFZAL KHAN, Faculty of Medicine Umm al Qura University Makkah Saudi Arabia

Associate Professor Department of Human Anatomy


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